Onderstaande onderzoeken zijn slechts een handgreep uit het totale aanbod. Er is in het verleden veel onderzoek gedaan naar soft laser therapie, ook wel bekend als Low Level Laser Therapy. Talloze wetenschappelijke onderzoeken tonen significante positieve effecten van LLLT op het menselijk lichaam.
Our aim was to clarify the effect of LLLT in MPS by using algometry and thermography. LLLT seemed to be beneficial for pain in MPS (n=62).
Results measured according to VAS/VRS/PTM: in acute pain, diminished more than 70%; in chronic pain more than 60%. (n=243)
The previous discussion has shown that LLLT is beneficial for pain relief and can accelerate the body’s ability to heal itself.
We conclude that phototherapy (with lasers and LEDs) improves muscular performance and accelerate recovery mainly when applied before exercise.
In a double blinded placebo control study reported a decrease pain and increase in function in patients with knee pain.
We show that LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain.
Our findings indicate that LLLT is an effective method for relieving pain in Non Specific Chronice Low Back Pain patients. However, there is still a lack of evidence supporting its effect on function.
We did not observe any negative effects on the human body and the use of analgesic drugs could be reduced or completely excluded. (n=200)
Mitochondria are thought to be a likely site for the initial effects of light, leading to increased ATP production, modulation of reactive oxygen species, and induction of transcription factors. These effects in turn lead to increased cell proliferation and migration (particularly by fibroblasts).
The activity of cytochrome c oxidase is inhibited by nitric oxide (NO). This inhibition can be explained by a direct competition between NO and O2 for the reduced binuclear center CuB/a3 of cytochrome c oxidase, and is reversible. It was proposed that laser irradiation could reverse this inhibition by photodissociating NO from its binding sites.
Light can indeed reverse the inhibition caused by NO binding to cytochrome oxidase, both in isolated mitochondria and in whole cells. LLL can also protect cells against NO-induced cell death.
LLLT, at the dose used, reduced fibrosis and myonecrosis in the sternomastoid muscle triggered by
bupivacaine, accelerating the muscle regeneration process.
It can be concluded that addition of LLLT to exercise training program is more effective than exercise training alone in the treatment of older patients with chronic knee OA and the rate of improvement may be dose dependent, as with 6 J/cm2 or 3 J/cm2..
To assess the long-term effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), in combination with strengthening exercises in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.
Active laser group showed significant differences in pain intensity at rest and movement, knee function, and ambulation duration when compared with the placebo group. Therefore, LLLT seemed to be an effective modality for short-term pain relief and function improvement in patients with chronic knee OA.
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